/Include /MailTo |
通过宏命令您可以在普通 wiki 页面中插入系统功能;使这种页面与众不同的唯一原因就是它们含有宏。如果你曾经编辑过类似 RecentChanges 或 SystemInfo 的页面,你就会看到宏是什么。
关于更多可能出现的 wiki 标记,请参见 HelpOnEditingZh 。
宏名 |
描述 |
示例 |
[[TitleSearch]] |
查找页标题 |
参见 FindPage |
[[FullSearch]] |
查找页内容 |
参见 FindPage |
[[FullSearch()]] |
在所有的页面中查找当前页面的标题(就象点击页面标题的效果一样) |
参见页面 CategoryCategory |
[[FullSearch('text')]] |
在所有页面里查找字符串 "text" |
查找 powered: |
[[GoTo]] |
直接跳转到您输入的页面 |
参见 FindPage |
[[PageList(regex)]] |
标题可以匹配正则表达式 regxp 的页面的列表 |
参见 HelpIndex |
宏名 |
描述 |
示例 |
[[RecentChanges]] |
最近被编辑的页面的列表 |
[[TitleIndex]] |
所有页标题的索引 |
参见 TitleIndex |
[[WordIndex]] |
所有页标题中使用过的单词的索引 |
参见 WordIndex |
[[WantedPages]] |
所有在 Wiki 系统中被引用的但实际并不存在的页面的列表 |
参见 WantedPages |
[[OrphanedPages]] |
所有不被其他页面引用的页的列表 |
[[AbandonedPages]] |
列出保持不被改动状态最长的页面 |
[[RandomPage]] |
指向随机一个页面的链接 |
[[RandomPage(#)]] |
指向 "#" 个随机页面的链接 |
两个随机链接: |
[[TableOfContents([maxdepth])]] |
显示一个当前页面的目录,可以控制其最大深度 |
参见本页开头 |
[[Anchor(anchorname)]] |
在页面中插入定位标记(锚链) |
[[Navigation(children[,maxdepth])]] |
列出一个页面的所有子页面 |
参见本页的开头 |
[[Navigation(siblings[,maxdepth])]] |
列出所有兄弟页 |
参见 /MailToZh |
[[Navigation(slideshow)]] |
FuzzTransZh 创建一个切换幻灯模式和wiki模式的链接,和一个开始幻灯模式的链接 |
[[Navigation(slides)]] |
显示 第一个/前一个/下一个/最后 链接 |
宏名 |
描述 |
示例 |
[[InterWiki]] |
所有已知的 InterWiki 名的列表 |
[[SystemInfo]] |
关于当前 wiki 的信息,python 解释器和系统 |
[[PageCount]] |
当前页面总数 |
共 845 页 |
[[PageSize]] |
所有页面的总大小 |
参见 PageSize |
[[StatsChart(type)]] |
显示统计图表(当前已定义类型:hitcounts(浏览次数), pagesize(页面大小), useragents(客户端类型)) |
参见 EventStats 及其子页面 |
[[SystemAdmin]] |
wiki 管理员的 Web 管理界面(在 1.0 版本中还未实现) |
参见 SystemInfo |
宏名 |
描述 |
示例 |
[[Icon(image)]] |
显示系统中所支持的小图标 |
[[UserPreferences]] |
显示用户首选项对话框 |
[[BR]] |
插入一个断行符 |
第一行 |
[[RandomQuote(pagename)]] |
从指定的页面随机引用一句话,如果省略 pagename 将从 FortuneCookies 中引用 |
Edit the FortuneCookies page to display randomly selected wisdom here. |
[[Include(HelloWorld[,"heading"[,level]])]] |
包含另一页的目录 |
详细使用方法参见 /IncludeZh |
[[FootNote(text)]] |
增加一个脚注(脚注中不能包含任何 wiki 标记),当省略参数 text 时,将在插入点显示所有已收集的脚注 |
示例参见 HelpOnPageCreationZh |
[[Date(timestamp)]] |
根据系统设置显示一个时间戳 |
2025-02-21 |
[[DateTime(timestamp)]] |
根据用户设置显示一个时间戳1 |
2025-02-21 18:07:36 |
[[GetText(text)]] |
载入 I18N 文字 (主要用于帮助页面) |
"EditText" 将被转换为 "EditText" |
[[TeudView]] |
适用于内部网开发者 wiki ,可以察看通过 XSLT 样式表格式化的后的 pydoc 文档,详细用法参见 EfnetPythonWiki:TeudProject |
参见 EfnetPythonWiki:TeudViewer?module=MoinMoin.macro.TeudView |
[[MailTo(email)]] |
防止你的邮件地址被垃圾邮件机器人搜集到 |
详细用法参见 /MailToZh |
1 "timestamp" 可以为空(代表当前时间),或者一个从1970年开始计算的秒数( unix 时间),或者一个符合 W3C 时间表示规范的字符串("2002-01-23T12:34:56")。
抱歉,因为篇幅关系,我们不能在这里提供所有宏命令的示例。下面是 [[SystemInfo]] 宏显示的信息:
- Pythonのバージョン
- 2.7.18 (default, Nov 13 2020, 12:17:42) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible FreeBSD Clang 6.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_600/final 326565)]
- MoinMoinのバージョン
- リリース 1.5.7 [リビジョン release]
- ページ数
- 49
- システムページ数
- 755
- ページサイズの合計
- 1591.3 KiB
- /home/osakichi/wiki/home/data/pages/ のディスク使用量
- 4963.5 KiB
- /home/osakichi/wiki/home/data/ のディスク使用量
- 1270.4 MiB
- 編集ログ中のエントリー数
- 581 (71.5 KiB)
- Event log
- 1161.3 MiB
- グローバル拡張マクロ
- AbandonedPages, Action, AttachInfo, AttachList, BR, EditTemplates, EditedSystemPages, EmbedObject, FootNote, FullSearch, FullSearchCached, GetText, ImageLink, Include, LikePages, Login, MonthCalendar, Navigation, NewPage, OrphanedPages, PageHits, PageSize, RandomPage, RandomQuote, RecentChanges, ShowSmileys, StatsChart, SystemAdmin, TableOfContents, TeudView, Verbatim, WantedPages
- ローカル拡張マクロ
- BlogKeywordVisualizer, EventCalendar, FreeMindBrowser, GoogleSiteSearch, UrlGrab
- グローバル拡張アクション
- AttachFile, DeletePage, Despam, LikePages, LocalSiteMap, MyPages, PackagePages, RenamePage, RenderAsDocbook, SpellCheck, SubscribeUser, backup, fckdialog, fullsearch, links, login, logout, newpage, rss_rc, sitemap, thread_monitor, titleindex, userprefs
- ローカル拡張アクション
- なし
- グローバルパーサ
- CSV, cplusplus, docbook, irc, java, pascal, plain, python, rst, wiki, xslt
- ローカル拡張パーサ
- なし
- インストールされているプロセッサ(現在はパーサの利用を推奨)
- なし
- Lupyによる検索
- 無効
- アクティブなスレッド
- 1
/Include /MailTo |
Macros allow the insertion of system features into normal wiki pages; the only thing that makes those pages special is that they contain macros. If you edit pages like RecentChanges or SystemInfo, you'll see what that means.
For more information on the possible markup, see HelpOnEditing.
Search macros
MoinMoin now uses a new search engine, that lets your make sophisticated searches using both the interactive search box or any of the search macros. For more help, see HelpOnSearching.
Macro |
Description |
Example |
[[TitleSearch]] |
create a search box on the page, which search the page titles |
See FindPage |
[[FullSearch]] |
create a search box on the page, which search the page contents |
See FindPage |
[[FullSearch()]] |
print a list of pages whose content matches the current page title (like clicking on the page title) |
See the CategoryCategory page |
[[FullSearch(text)]] |
print a list of pages whose content matches the search term |
Search for powered: |
[[GoTo]] |
directly go to the page you enter |
See the FindPage |
[[PageList(Help)]] |
print a list of pages whose title matches the search term |
See the HelpIndex |
Macro |
Description |
Example |
[[RecentChanges]] |
a list of recently edited pages |
See RecentChanges |
[[TitleIndex]] |
an index of all page titles |
See TitleIndex |
[[WordIndex]] |
an index of all words in page titles |
See WordIndex |
[[WantedPages]] |
list links to non-existent pages |
See WantedPages |
[[OrphanedPages]] |
list pages no other page links to |
See OrphanedPages |
[[AbandonedPages]] |
list pages that were not edited for the longest time |
See AbandonedPages |
[[RandomPage]] |
a link to a random page |
[[RandomPage(#)]] |
links to a number of random pages |
Two random pages: |
[[TableOfContents([maxdepth])]] |
display a local table of contents, possibly limited to a maximal depth |
See above |
[[Anchor(anchorname)]] |
macro to insert anchors into a page |
[[Navigation(children[,maxdepth])]] |
macro to list all of a pages' children |
See start of this page |
[[Navigation(siblings[,maxdepth])]] |
quick navigation to siblings of a page |
See /MailTo |
[[Navigation(slideshow)]] |
creates a link to toggle between slide show and wiki mode, and a link to start the slide show |
See HelpOnSlideShows |
[[Navigation(slides)]] |
displays first/prev/next/last links |
See HelpOnSlideShows |
[[AttachInfo]] |
displays number of attachments for current page |
[[AttachInfo(page)]] |
displays number of attachments for page |
[[AttachList]] |
displays list of attachments for current page |
[[AttachList(page)]] |
displays list of attachments for page |
System information
Macro |
Description |
Example |
[[InterWiki]] |
a list of all known InterWiki names |
[[SystemInfo]] |
info on the wiki, the python interpreter and the host system |
[[PageCount(exists)]] |
current page count. If exists is supplied as an argument, only existing pages will be shown. |
845 pages |
[[PageSize]] |
list the sizes of all pages |
See PageSize |
[[StatsChart(type)]] |
shows statistical charts (currently defined types: hitcounts, pagesize, useragents) |
See EventStats and subpages |
[[SystemAdmin]] |
Information for system administrators |
Needs admin rights. |
Macro |
Description |
Example |
[[Icon(image)]] |
display system icons |
See HelpOnNavigation |
[[UserPreferences]] |
display a user preferences dialog |
See UserPreferences |
[[BR]] |
insert a line break |
1st line |
[[RandomQuote(pagename)]] |
Select a random quote from the given page, or from FortuneCookies if ommitted |
Tip: you can search for multiple words, just like Google. See also HelpOnSearching. |
[[Include(HelloWorld[,"heading"[,level]])]] |
include contents of another page |
for details see /Include |
[[FootNote(text)]] |
Add a footnote (the text cannot contain any wiki markup), or explicitely display collected footnotes when no args are given |
See HelpOnPageCreation for an example |
[[Date(timestamp)]] |
display a timestamp according to system settings |
2025-02-21 |
[[DateTime(timestamp)]] |
display a timestamp1 according to user settings |
2025-02-21 18:07:37 |
[[GetText(text)]] |
loads I18N texts (mainly intended for use on Help pages) |
"EditText" is translated to "EditText" |
[[TeudView]] |
useful for intranet developer wikis, a means to view pydoc documentation, formatted via a XSLT stylesheet |
[[MailTo(email)]] |
protect your email address from spam bots |
for details see /MailTo |
[[NewPage(PageTemplate,ButtonLabel,ParentPage[,NameTemplate])]] |
Allow the user to create (sub-) pages easily, using the page PageTemplateas the template for the new page and the string NameTemplate as a template for the name.2 |
[[GetVal(NeatSnippets,regards)]] |
Retrieve dictionary entries from dict pages. |
If you have a page called GermanDict which contains the entry Test, you should see the translation here: |
1 "timestamp" can be empty (current time), a number of seconds since 1970 (unix timestamp), or a W3C time specification ("2002-01-23T12:34:56"). See RFC822, sect. 5.
2 NameTemplate is formatted with time.strftime(), with the exception of %s which is replaced by the input into the edit box (which is only shown if necessary). If NameTemplate is not specified or empty, it defaults to %s.
Writing your own macro
Create a python file called MacroName.py located in your data/plugin/macro directory. Ensure it has a single method called execute(macro, arguments), which is the entry-point.
macro is an instance of class Macro, and also evaluates to a string of the macroname.
arguments is an arbitrary argument string you can pass in with parameters to your macro.
All Macro instances have a request member through which you can access the form parameters and other information related to user interaction.
execute() should use the formatter to construct valid markup for the current target format. In most cases this is HTML, so writing a macro which returns HTML will work in most cases but fail when formats like XML or text/plain are requested.
For example, your wiki page has the following line on it:
You could write a MacroName.py file like this:
Dependencies = [] def execute(macro, args): return macro.formatter.text("I got these args from a macro %s: %s" % (str(macro), args))
You have to fill the dependencies list if your macro's output does not solely depend on the parameters. This is true for macros that output random data or query other data sources like e.g. databases. You may use arbitrary items to fill this list but should look at other macros' dependencies lists.